Thursday, August 9, 2012


Somalia before it was culturally raped by Arabs. Here we see proud and confident people in their natural environment in Somalia with their distinct dress. Somalis being nomads, women in Somalia had much sway and lead the entire family from one region to another. A striking difference between ancient and current Somalia is the role reversal of women. Prior to the civil war women were pilots, doctors, and everything else, this was before the Wahabis had unfettered access to erase Somali culture and replace it with an Arabic one. In Islam all non Arab cultures are considered inferior to Arab culture, it's to be erased as it's considered a sin. And Somali people like many other Islamized people don't know much about their history, their culture, their cherished ancestral past.

After complete transformation we see physical subjugation. The mental and psychologically detrimental affects of constantly emulating a completely foreign way of life is worse, it's an evidently terrible burden to carry. After the civil war and the spread of Wahabbism women were delegated to second class citizen and denied education and opportunity.


  1. So sad.

    Look at these women and look at what centuries of brainwashing has done to Somalia!

  2. Hey do you know an Interesting fact that Ancient Somalis were a matriarchal culture, had a sophisticated writing system that is extinct now, and the Waaq religion was about balance of society through and stressed balance of feminine and masculine, young and old. there was no hell, no patriarchy, no misogny, no fear and subjugation? Patriarchal Qabils were social systems introduced along with Islam and adopted from Semetic Arab world in the 12th century.....

    Somali Women from 1900-1990 Cultural ingenuity, were proud in their cultural dress, had equal opportunities due to our liberal sufis who didn't undermine our culture and didn't involve themselves in our secular moderate traditions. This outlook survived towards until 1980 when Saudi petrodollar started influencing schools, madrassas and plundered our economy by refusing to buy our livestock. Once Somalis collapsed Wahabism spread like a disease. They financed all Islamists groups, imported the Burqas/Niqabs, Subjugated and indoctrinated litle children. Somalis batter realize that the Saudis are our enemies and their cultural imperialism.

    Somalis before Wahabism, you can see the progressive nature of our society and adapting to the time era...

    1960s-1990 Progressive with with the era

    Somali female army

    Somali pilot Somali basketball team

    SIGH, so beuatiful, so confident, culturally oriented, leaders in socio-political life.

    Wahabism Islam that is spreading in "Mawali" Non-Arab muslim nations of SUdan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Mali, Eritrea, Iraq etc......

    Even in the diapora the Wahabi influence is strong!/image/2555310884.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_475/2555310884.jpg

    Pictures speak louder than words.

  3. I want to convert to waaqism

  4. I honestly cannot believe the people that posted those pictures and comments, First of all Somali identity arose with Islam whether some people don't like it or not, its woven tightly into our culture, we choose Islam volenteerly, we were never part of any Arab/Islamic empire or kingdom. secondly the pictures your showing on this page are all of Muslim women, why do you think they have their hair covered and it was taken in the 19th and 20th.lastly there is only islam, which means following the quran and the sunnah anything else is unislamic. People do not waste your time arguing things that do not concern or cannot change.

  5. Allah gave us his deen, sent his beloved prophet took us out of our jahil (ignorant) ways, which you can know about by seeing the laas geel cabve paintings in which our ancestors used to worship camels and cows, and yet a group of idiots decide to insult Allah's favour on us on wishing to go back to the time of jahilliya "O you who believe remember my favour upon you" and peace and blessings on our beloved prophet and his family and companions, and may peace be on you too.

  6. May Allah destroy you

  7. May Allah destroy you

  8. See the Muslim behavior? They don't know anything. They just get angry at anything new or outside their closed box mindset. So they cannot handle normal debates or expression of views since the Arab-centric religion of Islam does not allow that.

    They just curse, as of curses are real.

    Masaakiinta waxaan lagu beeray dembi ayaa laga galay runtii. Waxay u baahan yihiin aqoon sare iyo gobannimo maskaxeed.

  9. This makes me very angry! my people were happy and proud people before islam. it's just upsetting how they turned so divided, closed minded and depressed specially in the last 23 years. nobody educates our children our history. none of the very few schools and tvs we have EVER yes EVER talk about our history, culture and tradition. all you hear is 'assalaamu alakum' and they are proud of it. they are so brain dead. i bet you cant even educate kids the past believes our people had because the will label you as 'gaal' (infidel). it's just so sad. i had to educate most of the history of my home land through the internet. i hope one day we can educate this history to our kids, hopefully very soon! i just hope the new government succeeds. i want my fucking county back!!!

    any other somali agrees with me?

    1. Moi je suis d accord avec toi
      J ai rejeté l islam et mon prénom arabe aussi
      Vive WAAQ

  10. @Waaqism

    ''It's part of the "Islamotardation" of Somalia. I wish this evil arabian cult had never come to our country. I know I'm not being nice by saying that but I have had it!

    The country has become an Islamist graveyard where people live like the Arabs of the 7th century from which this "religion" stems from. I don't believe in Allah nor do I think gods are real but if I were to choose a god, I wouldn't choose Allah, wherever Allah is worshiped there is misery and human degradation, war, oppression, poverty, ignorance and sub human living conditions -- for those who supposedly follow Islam as it should be.

    Waxa dadka Soomaaliyeed ku dhacay ee dhamacda kulul nolosha uga dhigay waxaa u sabab ah eebbe beenaad bay rumeeyeen.''

    lol i saw this post after i posted the top one and realised it was you. i'm so fucking glad there is a brother who has the same believes me. is so hard to find one unfortunately.

    shumis iyo hab walaalkey. nooloow walaakey noolow!

  11. I want to convert..

  12. Proud to be muslim. Islam is above these little words posted here, and God has promised to keep it secure and spreading. There is nothing you could do to hurt it, and you will painfully regret the day you meet the real creator of all living things, Not Waaq(sky-god). Life is short and to believe in a God that only created the sky is a waste of time. What about the other existing things? Who created them?. You will die as many living beings die, just like me, and when you die you will wish that you could only go back for a day to correct your mistakes. Take advantage of your time now and Repent. Muhammad SAW says, An arab is not better than a non arab except their Taqwa(the way you fear Allah(God) and worship him). So clearly this religion is not for Arabs only, and guess what we know it better than they do. I don't want to offend my fellow muslim brothers but this is a religion that teaches you how to talk, what to say, how to eat, how to use the bathroom, how to sleep, and how raise and manage your family!. What more could we ask for in life?!, Does Waaq have teachings about that to teach his believers?, Suppose someone died and left wealth for his/her kids, wife, brothers and sisters, how do you fairly divide that between them using Waaq's religion?. Do you connect and communicate with Waaq five times a day?, No. five times a day prayers in islam shows you the close relationship between a creator and his creature. You are the one who thinks inside a box. Why can't you think all of life's aspects before you believe in Waaq- the sky god. Open your mind and believe in the God of the universe and everything that exists.

  13. I left Islam after discovering and learning the history of our people and the Arab influence on our culture and traditional religion. Unfortunately our people don't get it that religion is man made. If I'm to believe in any God/religion, I will believe our ancestors Waaqa (GOD). The problem is nothing much is known about our traditional religion because of the Arab cult eradicated it. We need people to collect information from the neighboring Cushitic people who still practice the religion like the Rendille in Kenya and Oromo in Ethiopia.

  14. Islam has nothing to do with arab Cultures, infact arab Culture was changed by Islam. Islam is the religion of gud not of arabs. I we became muslims Before the arabs became muslims. Before arabs in Mecca and Medina became muslims. So stop lying my friend.

  15. Islam is our life and real religion
    As we are somalis, before islam we were nothing but nomads, but when islam reached our blessed land firstly islam changed our behaviour and the way we used to act, then islam tought us how to love each other and how to respect each other.
    In Addition, the pre-islamic religion of somali called Waaq was based on monotheism, that means when islam reached our land all Somalis accepted islam because of their previous religion and islam have agreed to worship one God who is above throne established. Which means 'Waaq' is Allah.
    Islam is our life

  16. This post is merely disturbing and annoying me to the deep of my heart. As a somali, I disagree COMPLETELY. Islam is somalia and somalia is islam, what the italians gave us was westernized stuff. You may say islam just gave terror to us, but yet we were adanced in the past and still managed to keep islam after the romans came to us?

    Moving on, you may like some girls shhaking their private parts for clout, but at any means, the hijabis have their worth for their mahrams, and not for you. Touch some grass instead of staring at some girls. You imbecile

  17. So happy to see Somalis discussing the impact of Islam and Arab culture on your ancient ways. I totally agree that Somali culture, especially dress has been eradicated and replaced with Arab dress. I miss seeing the beautiful one-armed guitinno or diarer dress. Where did they go? Why this extreme form of Arabic dress imposed on women only? Does this mean that girls/women will not have access to education and career advancement like most Arabic countries? I hope not. I suggest Somalis study their history and learn who they really are. Get back the pride you are know for. Get back the pastoral consensus decision making.

  18. Back to long time ago before Islam, we wre muslims by nature as Allah said in the Quran , every nation was sent a profet, so that accouding to our pre-islam belief was rich islamic aqiidah like we worshiped One god, paid Sadaqah to poor, we re called Barrbari means Muslim in somali language.

    1. Islam uppdated that old belief that is why re muslims.
      Barrbari means baryid Barbaariye or ALLAH BARI AMA ALLAH ISKU DHIIB i.e Muslim.
      Barya Allah
      Waaaq baryid
